Energy and Trade

We are blessed as a nation to possess abundant resources. America is more secure when we are not dependent on oil from foreign countries. Our region needs to continue to lead as a major exporter of American energy through our ports, pipelines, and infrastructure.

Featured in Shale Magazine as someone in Congress working to get things done, Congressman Cloud has prioritized expanding our energy exports capability. He was appointed to the U.S.- Mexico Interparliamentary Group to defend Texas interests in trade, energy, and border negotiations. By and large, American producers lead the world in best practices and the world is made a better place when global markets choose and have access to U.S. exports.

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National Defense

Providing for the common defense is the first and most important legitimate Constitutional responsibility of our federal government. China now has the world’s largest navy.

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The 2nd Amendment

Our Founding Fathers understood that the only defense against tyranny is an armed citizenry. Michael Cloud is constantly working to protect your right to keep

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